Sunday, February 03, 2008


Democrats may be longing for a Clinton-Obama or Obama-Clinton ticket, but I'm hoping for a McCain-Huckabee ticket. If McCain has any hope of mobilizing Republicans in November, he'll need the excitement that Huckabee generates among the (evangelical) conservative base. I also rather like Huckabee. While Huckabee's positions are sometimes alarmingly naive (I'm particularly troubled by the Fair Tax), his heart seems to be in the right place, and he's a very effective communicator. A colleague of mine who attended all of the CNN-YouTube debates commented that, while she's Democrat, if she were a Republican, she would probably vote for Huckabee. Four to eight years under McCain's tutelage might be just what Huckabee needs to make a successful bid for the White House.

1 comment:

Frank Kim said...

I like Huckabee too, I think he's a genuinely good person. And I too thought the Republicans would be best served by a McCain/Huckabee ticket. And not only was I also disturbed by his insistence on a national sales tax to replace income tax but also his insistence that there might have been WMD's in Iraq.