Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Birthday Boy

It's official -- as of yesterday, Jonathan is one year old! In that year, he's traveled once to each of Las Vegas, Hong Kong, Augusta, and Atlanta, twice to Raleigh (although within the same one-week period), and three times to LA. He's gone from drinking only breast milk to consuming your typical variety of thoroughly mashed baby foods to effectively eating what we eat -- albeit in very small pieces (and without giving up on the good ole breast milk). Starting at an even eight pounds, he has almost tripled his weight. And from being a largely unresponsive lump (except for crying), he now happily claps his hands, says "Da da da", and walks all around the house (admittedly, like a drunken sailor, but still...). Life without Jonathan would be infinitely less fun and fulfilling than life with Jonathan, and life with Jonathan is more fun and fulfilling every day. Happy birthday, buddy!

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